We follow a lot of professionals we know are about to change, we contact those of them who match your criteria.
Either with your professional tests or with our tests we professionally evaluate the candidates.
By skype interwievs with those candidates who successfully copmleted the testing phase, you can decide who will fit into your team.
We employ your new colleagues and from the next day they can work on your project.
There are IT professionals who are waiting to be able to change and work with you, but there are times when you have to wait until they can pass on their ongoing work with due diligence and fairness. Typically, within a few weeks from the existence of the claim, we can provide a skilled and motivated specialist.
Professionals from Hungary will be employed by us, but will belong to your team. They get their tasks directly from you, we do not even get involved into the professional parts. You decide if you would like to reward them, You decide how long you would like to work with them or whether youd’d like to appoint them.
You only need to pay an invoice every month, we pay your new colleague’s salary, take care of the accounting, payroll and labor law related tasks, they will be employed in Hungary.